London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update April 2004 copyright Greater London Authority April 2004 Published by Greater London Authority City Hall The Queen’s Walk London SE1 2AA enquiries 020 7983 4000 minicom 020 7983 4458 ISBN 1 85261 634 2 Cover photograph © Visit East London Tour East London This publication is printed on recycled paper. For more information about this publication, please contact: GLA Economics telephone 020 7983 4922 email The Mayor of London established GLA Economics in May 2002 to provide a firm statistical, factual and forecasting basis for policy decision-making by the GLA group. GLA Economics is funded by Transport for London (TfL), the London Development Agency (LDA) and the Greater London Authority (GLA). GLA Economics uses a wide range of information and data sourced from third party suppliers within its analysis and reports. GLA Economics cannot be held responsible for the accuracy or timeliness of this information and data. GLA Economics, the GLA, LDA and TfL will not be liable for any losses suffered or liabilities incurred by a party as a result of that party relying in any way on the information contained in this report. Contents Executive summary ................................................................................................................. 1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 2 1. At a glance – key findings................................................................................................... 5 2. How the figures are produced........................................................................................... 12 3. Results.............................................................................................................................24 Appendix 1: Transition to SOC2000...................................................................................... 31 Appendix 2: SIC and SOC codes used ................................................................................... 40 Appendix 3. References ........................................................................................................ 44 GLA Economics GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Executive summary In October 2002 GLA Economics published Creativity: London’s Core Business,1 a comprehensive survey of employment and wealth creation in London’s creative sector. The report adapted the methodology developed by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport to arrive at an approach suitable for London. This report updates and extends the data that was published in Creativity: London’s Core Business. It also revises it to bring it in line with the latest official statistics. It contains a detailed statistical appendix and an explanation of how the data were arrived at. It confirms the October 2002 findings: .. London is the UK’s creative capital, with 40 per cent of the jobs in the UK’s creative industries, and 29 per cent of jobs in the UK creative sector as a whole.2 .. London’s success is tightly bound to that of the Greater South East, which now contains 62 per cent of jobs in the UK creative industries and 53 per cent of UK creative sector jobs .. London’s creative sector is a major driver of its growth. It is growing faster than any major industry except Financial and Business Services, and accounts for between a fifth and a quarter of job growth in London between 1995 and 2001 .. One in seven of London’s jobs is in the creative sector. It also finds that: . London is the focus of a new trend in specialisation. Nearly half its creative industry employees are in creative occupations, in contrast to an average of 30 per cent in the rest of the UK. . Women are underrepresented in the creative sector. Only 36 per cent of creative industry employees in London are women compared to 45 per cent in industry as a whole. Only 25 per cent of creatively occupied workers are women, falling to 20 per cent or lower for four out of eleven creative subsectors – Architecture, Leisure Software, Crafts, Design, and Film and Video. . In London, black or ethnic minority workers are significantly less likely to be employed in the creative sector and this situation is worse than in the UK as a whole. Only 13 per cent of people in creative occupations are from black or ethnic minority origin, compared with 21 per cent for London’s workforce as a whole. . The recent slowdown particularly affected London’s creative sector. In 2002, 47 per cent of all London’s job losses were in the creative sector. 1 GLA 2002 2 Throughout this report, ‘creative sector’ refers to all sources of creative employment. This contains two main components: ‘creative industry jobs’ refers to workforce jobs in the creative industries; and ‘creatively occupied workers’ or ‘creative occupations’ means workers whose first or second job is creative, regardless of where they work. The term ‘creative sector jobs’ or simply ‘creative jobs’ will refer to the total of creative industry jobs, plus those creative occupations which are not themselves already in a creative industry. See section 2 for details. GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Introduction Creative activity defies measurement. Policy, however, demands it. In 1998 the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) produced the first of two Mapping Documents,3 the first attempt systematically to measure the economic contribution of the creative sector in the UK. This turned out to be the first step in a process leading to an evidence-based approach to the creative and cultural sectors. The Mapping Documents were developed into an annual statistical bulletin entitled Creative Industries Economic Estimates.4 In October 2002 GLA Economics published Creativity: London’s Core Business, a comprehensive survey of employment in London’s creative sector and its contribution to London’s wealth. It used the methodology developed by the DCMS to arrive at an approach suitable for estimating the extent of creative activity in London. The DCMS Evidence Toolkit In April 2004 the DCMS launched its Evidence Toolkit – known during its planning stage as the Regional Cultural Data Framework (RCDF).5 This is designed to provide a basis for fundamental improvements to the collection and use of data on the creative sector. The Evidence Toolkit extends the original creative sector approach to Sport, Tourism and Heritage Management but incorporating the previous creative sector within a new classification. The Evidence Toolkit: .. defines seven DCMS sectors (Audio-Visual, Visual Arts, Books and Press, Performance, Sport, Tourism, and Heritage Management) .. brings all these sectors within a single, integrated system for preparing evidence related to analysis and policy .. restructures the initial Mapping Document list of 11 creative subsectors, condensing them into the first four DCMS sectors listed above (Audio-Visual, Visual Arts, Books and Press, and Performance) .. separates each of these four DCMS sectors into six stages of the creative production chain: Creation, Making, Dissemination, Exhibition/Reception, Archiving/Preservation and Education/Understanding. Although the basic methodology is the same, the new classification is expected to increase the estimates of the size of the creative sector, due to the more complete coverage of the creative production chain. DCMS is currently reviewing the impact of the new system and plan to adopt it for its next publication. Hopefully data will eventually be produced using the Evidence Toolkit system covering the same time period as the data now available for the creative sector under the old classification. 3 DCMS 2001a 4 DCMS 2001b 5 DCMS 2002a GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update The data in this report are consistent with the definitions used by DCMS in its Economic Estimates. DCMS plan to adopt the Evidence Toolkit definition of the creative sector but to continue releasing data for the 11 creative sub-sectors identified in the Economic Estimates. For reasons explained at greater length in section 3, primarily the need for continuity in identifying long-term trends in the sector, our results are not presented using the DCMS Evidence Toolkit classification. The Creative Industry Data and Intelligence Framework In 2003 the London Development Agency (LDA) and GLA Economics commissioned a major research study on the creative sector entitled the Creative Industry Data and Intelligence Framework. The work was undertaken to gain a better understanding of the availability and limitations of creative industry data obtainable in London and work towards developing a credible evidence base for policy-making for the creative sector, using the RCDF as starting point.6 As background to the LDA’s work, and as part of GLA Economics’ continued programme of providing creative sector data in collaboration with the LDA and with DCMS, this report updates and extends the data that was published in 2002 and revises it to bring it in line with the latest available official statistics. What’s new in the report? Since Creativity: London’s Core Business was published, there have been several important changes. Two years’ more data – including an economic slowdown – are available. The data itself has been revised and improved. The valued opinions of many other researchers and practitioners in the field have been collected. The GLA’s own methodology has improved in response. The standard classification of occupations (SOC) was changed in 2000 and consequently, the data had to be revised retrospectively to make it comparable with new data so that trends over time can be estimated. Employment This report contains an updated dataset on employment which revises and replaces the data originally published in Creativity: London’s Core Business, and extends it for a further two years. It has not been extended to the Evaluation Toolkit classification, although the methodology is completely consistent with it. A significant improvement compared with Creativity: London’s Core Business is the inclusion of data on self-employment, which raises workforce employment (industry-based) estimates by between 10 and 20 per cent. The data incorporate revisions to the Annual Business Inquiry published in February 2004. Data on London boroughs incorporate revisions to the Labour Force Survey which have been 6 The work was conducted by a consortium made up of the University of Leeds, the Small Business Research Centre at Kingston University, the Northern Ireland Economic Research Centre and Dr Andy Pratt of the London School of Economics. GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update regrossed in line with the 2001 census. Other data was not revised because a long-term series dating back to 1994 was not available at the time of writing. In line with recommended practice, data below the threshold of statistical reliability for London (8,000 jobs) have been suppressed. Output The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has not published new output data on the creative sector since the last report and therefore revised estimates of output are not published. Since the GLA’s employment estimates have changed slightly, the corresponding estimates of productivity would be slightly different if published. However, the measurement of service sector and creative sector output is a source of considerable controversy and research, and for this reason further data on output is not being published at this point. It should, however, be noted that since Creativity: London’s Core Business, all ONS estimates of real output have transferred to a new methodology termed chain-linking, and rebased to the year 2000. Since the unit of measure is different and higher, in general these measures have risen. As a result, the estimates of real output are not compatible with chain-linked or otherwise rebased estimates of real output in the rest of the economy. Continuity with the DCMS Evidence Toolkit As already mentioned in the introduction, the DCMS Evidence Toolkit restructures the CI classification system which was the basis of Creativity: London’s Core Business. GLA Economics believes that continuity is important in data dissemination. Data under the original mapping has been available to practitioners for several years and is in widespread use. Therefore, during the transition period it is important that data be provided under the old system. The data in this report have been produced on the same basis as the original data, which was in turn based on the DCMS Economic Estimates (DCMS 2001b) approach. Data within the DCMS Evidence Toolkit framework will be produced as soon as this framework has been disseminated and has stabilised. Finally, this report contains a more detailed description of the methods used to create the dataset, including a full listing of the SIC and SOC codes used (Appendix 2). GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update 1. At a glance – key findings 1.1 London – the UK’s creative capital Chart 1.1a: Regional shares in creative jobs – 2002 Rest of the Greater South East 22% Rest of the UK 38% London 40% The majority of Britain’s creative jobs – 62 per cent – were inside the Greater South East (London, the South East, and the East). Chart 1.1b: Creative employment growth rates – 1995-2002 Creative job growth is distributed (Crafts) unevenly between subsectors. Crafts, Publishing Fashion Publishing, Fashion and Architecture Architecture actually declined in London between Advertising 1995 and 2001. (Design) Video, film & photography TOTAL London’s growth was stronger than Art/antiques trade the UK in performance-related Music and the visual & performing arts sectors: Radio and TV, Video, Film Radio & TV and Photography, and Music and the Interactive leisure software Visual and Performing Arts. Elsewhere -40 % -20 % 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100 % 120 % the UK on average grew more (or declined less) than London. Chart 1.1c: Creative jobs in London and the SE 1995-2002 – thousands of creative sector jobs Over this period, job growth in London and in the rest of the Greater South East (South East and Eastern regions combined) have marched in step During this time, the Greater South East gained 212,000 creative jobs, while the rest of the country gained 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 122,000 UK growth London growth 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 London Rest of the Greater South East GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update 1.2 Occupation and industry Chart 1.2a: Components of creative employment in London – thousands of jobs Creative employment comes from 700 two sources: those who work in 600 creative industries such as 500 advertising, and those who have creative occupations outside the 400 creative industries, such as music 300 teachers.7 London’s creative 200 industries show a distinctive 100 pattern. Creative industry jobs were 72 per cent of total creative jobs in 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2002. The remaining 28 per cent were creatively occupied outside the creative industries. Chart 1.2b: Components of creative employment in the UK – thousands of jobs Outside London, this is reversed. On average in the UK, creative industry jobs accounted for 52 per cent of total creative jobs in 2002. Nearly half the UK’s creative sector employees do not work in creative industries. This suggests that London is a focus for specialisation; enterprises that produce only or mainly creative products are more prevalent and 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 account for more employment. Outside London, the number of creatively occupied people is growing but they are not being absorbed to the same extent by specialised companies Chart 1.2c: Occupational and industrial employment This shows up in the distinctive 3.0% growth pattern of London, 2.5% compared with the rest of the country. In the rest of the UK 2.0% outside London, creative 1.5% occupations grew twice as fast as in London between 1995 and 2002. 1.0% 0.5% Creative industry jobs grew at the 0.0% same speed, on average, inside and Occupations Industry London Rest of UK id L d 7 A third small source of creative employment is people who have a second, creative job, though their main job is not in the creative sector – like many artists, musicians and writers. Total Creatively Occupied outside Industry Creative Industry Workforce 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Total Creatively Occupied outside Industry Creative Industry Workforce GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update outside London. 1.3 Creative intensity Chart 1.3a: Creative intensity – proportion of creative industry workers in creative occupations London’s creative industries employ a London South West higher proportion of creative West Midlands specialists than anywhere else in the Wales country. Great Britain Greater South East 48 per cent of Londoners working in Yorkshire and The Humber North West the creative industries are also in North East creative occupations. Scotland East Midlands 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Chart 1.3b: Creative intensity in London’s subregions – proportion of creative industry workers in creative occupations There is some evidence of a trend for 65% Outer London to become a focus of 60% growth for creatively-intensive industries. 55% 50% Creative intensity has fallen since 1999 45% in Inner London. Central London’s creative intensity fell below the 40% London average in 2000. 35% Central London Inner London (not central) Outer London 30%Outer London’s creative intensity 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 200 overtook that of Inner London, including Central London, in 2002. Chart 1.3c: Job gains and losses in the creative sector – thousands of jobs Creative occupations outside the creative industries proved the most vulnerable to the recent slowdown. Creative industry employee jobs grew by 88,000 during 1995-2001, of which 25,000 were lost in 2002. 14,000 creative occupations outside the industry were lost in 2002 – nearly half the gains of the previous Growth 1995-2001 Losses 2001-2002 six years. -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Creative sector employee jobs Creative workers outside the creative industries GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update 1.4 A driver of London’s growth Chart 1.4a: Job growth before the slowdown – thousands of jobs The creative industries continue to lead London’s job growth. In the growth years 1995 to 2001, creative sector employment added more jobs in London than all major industries except Distribution, and Financial and Business Services.8 Between 1995 and 2001, the creative sector was responsible for one new job in every 4.5 in London. (Creative sector: workforce jobs+ occupational employment; All other sectors: workforce jobs) Chart 1.4b: Shares in London jobs, 2002 – Ratio of workforce employment to London total, per cent One in every seven Londoners worked Financial and Business in London’s creative sector in 2002 Distribution, hotels, restaurants The sector accounted in 2002 for Public services 650,000 jobs, more than Creative Industries Manufacturing and Construction Transport and combined. communications Manufacturing The sector is also greater than health Construction and education combined, which accounted for 632,000 jobs in 2002. Chart 1.4c: Total creative employment in London – thousands of jobs The slowdown hit the creative sector. During 2002, 40,100 creative jobs were lost – nearly half of London’s job loss over this period. Despite these losses, during the whole period from 1995 to 2002, London gained 88,000 creative jobs overall. So, despite its losses in 2002, 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 London’s creative sector grew by 15 per cent over these seven years. 8 The growth which took place up to 2001 is separated from the job losses which occurred mainly during 2001/02. The data does not go far enough back to measure total growth between two equivalent points on the cycle. -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Manufacturing Energy and Water Construction Transport and communications Public services Creative Industries Distribution, hotels, restaurants Financial and Business Growth 95-01 Growth 01-02 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 500520540560580600620640660680700 GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update 1.5 Where it’s at in London Statistical reliability decreases because of small sample sizes when studying borough totals, but some indications of the general pattern can be obtained. Data from two years are used to reduce this sample size problem. Creative occupations are strongly concentrated in the north and west of London, with some indications (see Map 1.5a) of a trend away from Central London. Map 1.5a: Creative occupations – average of 2001 and 2002 GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update 1.6 Gender Chart 1.6a: Proportion of creatively occupied female employees in the UK Advertising In the UK as a whole, 46 per cent of Fashion jobs are held by women. In creative (All Occupations) occupations this proportion is Radio and TV Music and the performing Arts 25 per cent. Publishing and Printing (All creative) In only two creative occupations is Design Film and Video the employment of women higher Architecture than the general average: Interactive Leisure Software Crafts advertising and fashion. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Chart 1.6b: Proportion of creatively occupied female employees in London The situation is better in London, Fashion mainly because the proportion of Advertising Radio and TV women in creative occupations in Music and the performing Arts London is higher than in the UK (All Occupations) overall. Publishing and Printing (All creative) Design Women’s share of employment in Architecture Radio and TV, and Music and the Interactive Leisure Software Crafts Performing Arts, is above the average Film and Video for the creative industries but below 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% that for all industries in London. The proportion of women in occupations in the Film and Video sector is so low as to be statistically insignificant. Chart 1.6c: Proportion of women working in creative industries in London Fashion Publishing and Printing (All Industries) Advertising Radio and TV Music and the performing Arts (All creative) Film and Video Architecture Interactive Leisure Software Fashion is the only sector where women’s share of employment is above average for both creative industry employment and in the creative occupations. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update 1.7 Ethnicity Chart 1.7a: BME employees in London’s creative industries The proportion of workers of black All Employment or ethnic minority (BME) origin in Creative Occupations Creative Industries London’s creative industries is UK 11.6 per cent, only around half the proportion in London’s workforce as a whole, which is 22.8 per cent. The same is true for creative occupations. London In the UK there is less under employment of BME workers within the creative occupations although at 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 5.5 per cent the proportion is still below the national average of 6.5 per cent. In the creative industries in the UK, the proportion of BME workforce jobs, at 7.2 per cent, is above the national average of 6.5 per cent. These are quite marked differences for London relative to the UK, which we cannot yet fully explain. GLA Economics 11 London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update 2. How the figures are produced 2.1 An evidence-based approach to creativity The DCMS Evidence Toolkit and mapping documents do not pretend to decide the intrinsic merit of a painting or performance. They set out to identify the resources which society puts into bringing them to their audience. This begins with a judgement about which activities are really involved in this process, and what money is really paid for their activities. The DCMS’s 2001 mapping document defined the creative sector as: those industries which have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent and which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property (DCMS, 1998) Working with stakeholders and experts in the field and in the Regional Cultural Consortia, DCMS drew up a procedure that has become the standard for identifying: .. industries whose main business is creative (the creative industries) .. people whose work is by its nature creative (creatively occupied workers) On this basis it produced an initial list of 13 creative industries: Advertising, Architecture, Arts and Antiques, Crafts, Design, Designer Fashion, Software and Computer Services, Music, The Visual and Performing Arts, Publishing, Radio and TV, and Video, Film and Photography. It selected codes from the ONS’s Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) to identify the creative industries, and from the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) to identify the creative occupations. In 2002 GLA Economics set out to measure London’s creative employment, output and productivity using these classifications and published its results in Creativity: London’s Core Business. Using definitions supplied by DCMS, it calculated how many people were working in London in each of the subsectors (industries) identified by the DCMS mapping document. These were reduced to 11 subsectors to render them compatible with ONS output data. Music and the Performing Arts were grouped together and the software sections were combined into one Interactive Leisure Software subsector. Using data from the ONS, GLA Economics estimated the output (value added) in these industries and, in this way, made a first estimate of productivity (output per employee). 2.2 Previous findings The results of Creativity: London’s Core Business provided strong support for the GLA group’s view that the creative sector is an important part of London’s economy and quality of life. Creativity: London’s Core Business’s view was that: The creative industries add £21 billion annually to London’s output, more than all the production industries combined and second only to Business Services at £32 billion. GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Where there is money, jobs are never far behind. The report found that: The creative industries as a whole represent London’s third largest sector of employment, with 525,000 people working either directly in the creative industries or in creative occupations in other industries … [T]he creative industries are London’s second biggest source of job growth, contributing roughly one in every five jobs. The report also found that London’s creative output per job was growing at rates that appeared to outstrip most of London’s other industries: London’s creative industries are at the centre of a productivity revolution, expanding both jobs and wealth, with employment up by five per cent per year, output by 8.5 per cent and productivity by four per cent between 1995 and 2000. London was the focus of this growth, with a job growth rate higher than any other region, except the South East, and accounting for over a quarter of the UK’s creative jobs. It was important for policy to know why such a high-cost area was the location of choice for creative industry investment and growth. GLA Economics noted that: The success of the creative industries proves that London offers what is needed for a new high-growth, value-added sector. London’s costs are high; its winners are those who provide what the customer wants. The keys to achieving this are the supply side advantages that London offers. London’s prime asset is its social capital: a highly skilled, diverse and multicultural workforce. It does business in the world’s language – and speaks another 300. Only New York has comparable advantages. To utilise human capital efficiently, proximity is decisive. The report concluded that: London is a creative factory; it gives access to the entire range of services required to deliver customised products on a large scale to tight deadlines. London’s creative sector was evidently a major part of its future. Continued monitoring of its performance and needs was vital to its economic health. 2.3 Rethinking creativity In the course of studying creativity, we had to think more carefully about what it really is. As is normal in the social sciences, research begins with an initial hypothesis – in this case, that the core element of creativity is individual talent and intellectual property. It then establishes the facts on the basis of this, and returns to its original assumptions to revise them. GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Creativity is a significant factor in London’s economic revival and is not confined to the consumer leisure industries. For example, Creativity: London’s Core Business noted the decision of Ford and Nissan to locate major automotive design centres in Soho. Design, and design capacity, is in demand across the board in London’s high-value added industries. Therefore, although this report is confined to the creative sector as originally defined, it has implications for a wider range of activities. The working definition of creativity in Creativity: London’s Core Business’s was, therefore, an outcome of its results: The capacity to produce customised products on a large scale to tight deadlines. Two changes are perhaps needed. First, there is a case for adding ‘on the basis of an incomplete specification’. What distinguishes creative workers from mass producers is that they do not begin with a complete knowledge of the final result – only with an indication of the effect it is intended to have. The creativity consists not just in originating the product and bringing it to its audience, but in matching its performance to a vision of how the audience is intended to react. Second, the words ‘on a large scale’ need to be qualified. It is true that new creative industries realise economies of scale, often by applying sophisticated and costly technology. However, what they often make is not large amounts of one thing, but small amounts of a large variety of things. An emerging characteristic of the new sector is that, typically, it produces short runs with high value added. The architect is an archetype: each product – often each individual building – is a one-off project and, with modern computer techniques, are often fabricated from parts that are the very opposite of mass-produced. The same is true of the film-maker for whom a single film is the outcome. Or even more so for the performer or singer, for whom a single show is the outcome. The clothing industry is segmenting in a way that illustrates this. The mass production, large- volume sector is almost entirely offshored and this lies behind the decline, for example, of the textile industry in the East Midlands. London is actually the region in which the clothing industry has declined the least. This is a lot to do with the growth of the designer fashion sector, which – as Italy’s success testifies – requires a very different type of manufacturer; one that can produce a very precise kind of cloth for a very small range of outputs but with great flexibility and precision, to produce the precise effect that the designer requires for one particular item. Of course, this has been facilitated by what can be termed the ‘technology of mass dissemination’ – the CD, the television, the multiscreen cinema, the internet, the high-street boutique, and not least, tourism itself. Indeed these technical innovations were decisive in transforming the market for creative products from a local to a global one. But what distinguishes this kind of mass market is that its products stand or fall on their content, not their form. What matters is not the fact of making a television broadcast, but GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update what the programme contains, and whether people watch it. In singling out the creative industries, the aim is to identify the precise segment of the industry which originates and delivers this content. If the origination of creative content is at the heart of the creative sector, the role of intellectual property can also be put in perspective. Intellectual property is central to the way in which many activities in this sector are financed; in effect, it gathers the income streams arising from mass dissemination and channels them to the organisers of the process. However, it has a very different significance in different sectors, particularly when very short runs of product are involved so that duplication is not an issue. Thus a pirate copy of an architect’s plans would be an unprofitable eccentricity. In the visual arts, copyright mainly serves not as a means of preventing intellectual theft but as a guarantee of authenticity; as a means that the consumer can be assured that the product really originates where it claims to. In designer fashion it serves more as a means of branding than a source of royalty income. It is only where origination feeds into a mass market in dissemination – particularly film, video, publication and software – that intellectual property as such is central to the actual definition of creative products. The discussion above suggests a revised working definition of the creative factor in production as follows: The capacity to deliver customised products to tight deadlines from incomplete or abstract specifications. The purpose of this definition is not to change the definition of the creative sector as such, which refers to a specific set of mainly consumer-oriented products. It is to provide a way of thinking about creativity that goes beyond the creative sector – particularly in the process of devising further refinements to the SOC – which will provide researchers with quantitative tools for studying, and measuring, the more general impact of design, creativity, and innovative activity in modern production as a whole, so that we can study, on the basis of evidence, questions such as ‘what determines Nissan’s decision to locate its design headquarters in Soho?’. 2.4 Creativity as a factor of production The creative industries reverse traditional thinking about industrial paradigms. The classic work of Joan Woodward on the relation between technology and structure characterises three main types of production: unit production based on small volumes and wide variation; mass production (typically the car industry) with large volumes of similar or identical units; and process production (typically the chemical industry) with a wide range of products which are, however, produced continuously. To understand the significance of the changes, consider Table 2.4a adapted from Woodward (1968): GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Table 2.4a: Joan Woodward’s classification of technology Unit production Mass production Process production Management Low High Highest Skill High Low High Complexity Low High Low Woodward’s underlying conception, for many decades received opinion, is that small scale production is at the low-tech end of production requiring high skill but not much else, while the locus for large-scale capital investment in new technology is in large-scale production. Revising this in the light of what is now happening in the creative industries, the first column would have ‘high’ in every entry. The creative industries now probably involve greater complexity, and greater management input, than any traditional sector. They are the antithesis of ‘Fordism’ – traditional mass production for a uniform consumer market – and, increasingly, the focus of large-scale capital investment. This suggests that important as are creative industries outputs – creative products – what may in the long-term be most notable are the creative industries processes involving innovation and customisation. Creative industries inputs – notably creative labour itself – may be the key factor. This is why it is important to categorise, identify and quantify creative labour – a problem that preoccupies many researchers.9 A more careful study of the occupational element of the DCMS shows that it can provide additional information, which we study in this report in addition to the ground covered in Creativity: London’s Core Business. What emerges is a clear difference between the pattern in London and the pattern outside London, which shows that London uses its creative workers in a distinctive way. Outside London, creatively occupied people outnumber creative industry jobs, by as much as eight to one in some regions. In London this is reversed, and creative industries account for 20 per cent more jobs than creative occupations in total. This difference shows up also in what is called creative intensity – the proportion of workers in the industry that are also creatively occupied. At one end of the scale, in the North-East, only 28 per cent of the workforce in the creative industries is actually engaged in creative occupations. This proportion, broadly, becomes higher and higher the closer to London, where it reaches 48 per cent. This ratio also distinguishes London from the rest of the Greater South East where creative sector employment is large and growing, but creative intensity is only 37 per cent. This reverses the Fordist model, in which the factory is often associated with deskilling. The skills requirements of the traditional factory may be highly specialised but not highly qualified. In the creative sector, the premium is flexibility and diversity, since creative companies live or die on their ability to produce variety. London’s creative industries appear 9 See, for example, Florida (2004) and Landry (2002). GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update to be turning into specialist employers of creative labour – a trend which this report has attempted to quantify. 2.5 Industries and occupations Creative sector employment has two components: industrial and occupational. Industrial employment comprises people that work for enterprises in creative subsectors, such as advertising agencies, film companies, architectural partnerships, and so on. Occupational employment comprises people that have creative jobs, such as musicians, artists, games programmers, camera operatives, and so on. The same job should not be counted twice. If, for example, a musician works in a music company then simply adding up the total industrial jobs and the total occupational jobs will count the job as part of both groups, once as a musician and again as a music employee.10 Creative sector employment in the DCMS and GLA framework is made up of two main parts: 1. Workforce jobs in the creative industries 2. Creatively occupied people who do not work for any creative industry. Workforce employment is made up of two components 1. Employee (waged or salaried) jobs 2. Self-employed workers. Creative occupations also include second jobs – for example, artists, writers or musicians that do not earn enough money from their creative activities to support themselves. 2.6 Where the data comes from The data comes from three primary sources. Jobs and output data are available from the Annual Business Inquiry (ABI).11 Job data also come from the Labour Force Survey (LFS). Output data for the Creative Sector is provided by the ONS as an annual supplement to the input-output (I-O) tables. The ABI is an employer survey. It contains no information about occupations. The LFS is a household survey. It reports both occupation and industry; unfortunately, its estimates of workplace employment are inconsistent with those from the ABI, particularly for London (see The GLA’s Workforce Employment Series, GLA 2003). If, therefore, the LFS is used to estimate London’s workforce jobs, the results could not be compared with figures on workforce employment that use the ABI. For this reason the ABI is used as the sole source of 10 A subtle point is that if the musician has a second job (for example, gigs by night) then this is included in the final count. Employment in the creative sector refers to the numbers of jobs rather than numbers of people. On average, about three per cent of London’s workers have two jobs 11 Until 1998, this information came from the ABI’s precursor, the Annual Employment Survey (AES). GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update information on the employee component of industrial employment. The LFS is used to calculate self-employment, and the occupational component of overall creative sector employment.12 The GLA’s estimates of workplace employment in the creative industries therefore differ from those of DCMS, which are derived entirely from the LFS. The GLA’s estimates further differ from the DCMS estimates because they are workforce-based, not residential. They measure the number of people that work in the creative sector in London, not the number of Londoners that work in the creative sector. Output data presents particular problems. The input-output data is preferable in principle, because it is prepared according to the rigorous standards of the System of National Accounts (SNA), which reconciles and cross-checks data from a variety of sources. However, its definition of the creative industries is less precise than those of the DCMS and does not include exactly the same companies (in general it tends to include more). ABI data matches the DCMS categories precisely, but the data is less reliable as it merely reports what employers say and is not reconciled with information from any other source. Furthermore ABI data on output is available only for a few years, whereas the ONS’s creative industry I-O series dates back to 1992. Since the GLA is particularly interested in long-term trends in productivity, it has chosen to use the ONS estimates of output. It should be noted that DCMS and the GLA have published different estimates of creative industry output in the past. DCMS, the GLA and the ONS are working to resolve this and DCMS publishes comparisons from the two sources of information. As noted in the introduction, the GLA has not included any revised estimates of output or productivity in this report. Of SICs and SOCs The starting point of the whole analysis is a classification of industries and occupations which is used to decide which industries, and which activities, will be treated as creative. This is specified in detail by DCMS. For industries, the codes used are from the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC); for occupations, from the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC). They are listed in appendix 3. During the period covered by the GLA figures, SIC classifications have not changed. The last change was in 1992; the next will be in 2007. The main reasons that creative industries data cannot be published for any earlier years is that SIC codes before 1992 did not disaggregate service sector industries sufficiently to be able to identify creative industries with adequate precision. 12 An important exception is the calculation of creative intensity. The LFS is the source for both our estimates of creative industry employment, and for our estimates of creative occupations in this case, since otherwise major errors would be introduced given the divergence of ABI and LFS estimates of workplace employment in London. GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Occupational classifications changed in 2000 and became operative in the 2001 LFS. Unfortunately there was no overlap period in which both classifications were available simultaneously; therefore the GLA and DCMS have taken special measures to ensure that estimates prepared from the two different classifications are compatible. This is explained in Appendix 2. 2.7 Estimating industrial employment Table 2.7a: Employment estimates from the ABI and the LFS – employee jobs,2002 Thousands of jobs ABI LFS Advertising 33,100 41,800 Architecture 59,800 65,400 Art/antiques trade (Missing from LFS data because of coding inadequacies) 2,800 - (Crafts) - (Design) -- Fashion 52,100 40,100 Interactive leisure software 61,100 75,000 Video, film and photography 20,900 14,800 Radio and TV 64,000 69,200 Music and the visual and performing arts 40,500 54,700 Publishing 39,900 83,400 TOTAL 374,500 444,400 Table 2.7a shows the primary estimates of industrial employment from the ABI and the LFS respectively. The results are sometimes quite different, for example for Publishing where the LFS estimate for London is nearly twice as large.13 Since all other workforce data for London is compiled from the ABI, using the LFS estimates of industrial employment would be inconsistent and lead to estimates of employment that could not be compared with other sectors. The LFS data is therefore not directly used as such, but is printed here for information. For two sectors (crafts and design) there is no industrial component at all; these sectors are defined only by their occupational components. The starting point for the GLA calculation is the leftmost column of Table 2.7a – the ABI estimate of creative industry employment. These are the figures published in the tables and charts as ‘employee jobs’ in the creative industries. 13 Confirming the discrepancies between the two primary sources which was referred to earlier. However, their aggregate estimates of employee jobs over the whole creative sector is fairly close. This is stable over time. GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update A further adjustment is made to include the self-employed, which are added from the LFS. This is because the ABI, as an employer survey, contains no information about self- employment and this must be obtained from the LFS. Table 2.7b shows the self-employed component of workforce employment in the creative sector for 2002. Table 2.7b: Workforce employment in the creative industries Thousands of jobs Employees (ABI) Self-employed (LFS) Total Advertising 33,100 39,400 Architecture 59,800 11,100 70,900 Art/antiques trade -- (Crafts) -- (Design) --- Fashion 52,100 57,300 Interactive leisure software 61,100 9,600 70,800 Video, film and photography 20,900 27,900 Radio and TV 64,000 13,800 77,900 Music and the visual and performing arts 40,500 29,000 69,500 Publishing 39,900 12,000 51,900 TOTAL 374,500 94,200 468,700 Counts and coefficients: restricting the subsectors The existing SIC codes are insufficiently precise to identify creative subsectors without including, in at least some of them, activities that are not creative. A typical example is the Designer Fashion subsector, which includes the SIC codes shown in Table 2.7c.14 Table 2.7c: some SIC codes entering the definition of ‘Fashion’ 18.1 Manufacture of leather clothes 18.21 Manufacture of workwear 18.22 Manufacture of other outerwear 18.23 Manufacture of underwear These are clearly not all part of the designer fashion industry. If the SIC codes discriminated enough between different parts of the clothing industry, they could be used to single out only those enterprises belonging to designer fashion. Instead, DCMS assumes that only 0.5 per cent of these workers are actually employed in the designer fashion sector as such. It 14 Both the GLA and the DCMS definition of Designer Fashion is derived from a substantially larger list of SICs of which Table 2.7c contains only a subset, to illustrate the nature of the differences. Appendix 4 contains a full list of all SIC and SOC codes used in this report. GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update multiplies each of the ABI estimates of employment shown above by 0.5 per cent, and then adds them up to arrive at ‘designer fashion’ employment. GLA Economics does not apply the same coefficients as DCMS in every case, because of London’s specificities. The bulk of the clothing trade in London is judged as part of the production chain for creative fashion as costs in London are so high. This judgement is obviously subject to refinement and is one of the reasons that GLA Economics worked with the LDA to produce the extensive report on the creative sector referred to in the introduction. However, it remains the case that GLA estimates of industrial employment differ from those of the DCMS. This approach is taken to reflect, as accurately as possible, the specific conditions of London. In order to compare London with other regions, and to estimate UK creative employment, the coefficients provided by DCMS are applied outside London, since the specific conditions of London are unlikely to hold in the other regions. This means that estimates of London’s creative employment are likely to be higher than would be the case, if the DCMS coefficients were applied. This is the most significant in the Fashion and Music sub-sectors. However, the qualitative relations between London and the regions identified in this report hold good whichever set of coefficients are applied. Creative occupations Table 2.7d shows the number of people that were creatively occupied in London in 2002, according to the LFS. Table 2.7d: Number of creatively occupied persons in London in 2002 London Thousands of jobs Advertising 69,900 Architecture 19,800 (Arts) - Crafts 24,900 Design 28,800 Fashion 11,700 Interactive Leisure Software 87,600 Film and Video 14,700 Radio and TV 26,900 Music and the performing Arts 48,200 Publishing and Printing 37,500 TOTAL 370,300 However, many of these people have already been accounted for in the industry employment figures, since they may actually work in a creative industry. Therefore, the LFS is queried GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update separately to find out those people that are creatively occupied but do not work in any creative industry. Table 2.7e provides estimates, taken from the LFS, of: 1. Creatively-occupied people inside the creative industries (On~I, in logical notation) 2. Creatively-occupied people outside the creative industries (OnI, in logical notation). Table 2.7e: Creative industry occupational component, 2002 Occupations (OnI) (On~I) Main job Total in creative occupations SOC within CI (by occupation) SOC outside CI (by occupation) Advertising 69,900 26,100 43,800 Architecture 19,800 16,800 (Arts) --- Crafts 24,900 24,800 Design 28,800 18,200 10,600 Fashion 11,700 9,100 Interactive Leisure Software 87,600 29,900 57,700 Film and Video 14,700 13,900 - Radio and TV 26,900 24,600 Music and the performing Arts 48,200 30,500 17,700 Publishing and Printing 37,500 20,800 16,700 (Creative Occupations Total) 370,300 188,300 182,000 The first of these (the third column in table 2.7e) is already included in the industrial component of employment and is therefore not included in final employment figure. It is however used to estimate what we have termed ‘creative intensity’ – the proportion of workers in the creative industries that are themselves creatively occupied. The second part (the last column in table 3.4) shows everyone that has not been so far included, since they work outside the industry. This is the occupational component, and is added to the industrial component to estimate the employment total. One small further addition is made: people whose second job is creative, but whose main job is not in a creative industry. The total number of creative sector jobs, in 2002, is therefore as follows Workforce jobs: 374,535 employees + 94,265 self-employed = 468,799 In creative occupation outside creative industry in main job: 163,233 In creative occupation outside creative industry in second job: 10.676 Total 642,708 Several of the estimates fall below the threshold of statistical reliability for LFS data, which for this dataset is 8,000, and have been suppressed. Sectoral estimates of the occupational GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update component cannot be relied on. Where this occupational element is small in relation to the industrial component, estimates of sectoral employment (industrial plus occupational) may remain within the limits of statistical validity. Most importantly, when the results are aggregated to a total, this total is itself well above the reliability threshold, so that we consider this final result (the total occupational component of creative sector employment) to be statistically admissible. A warning on double counting The method used above ensures that no creative job is counted twice. However, in the national statistics, creative industries are not (yet) separated out from all other sectors in the way that, for example, manufacturing or finance and business services are. Every creative job is therefore included somewhere or other in one of the main SIC classifications such as manufacturing, finance and business and public services. Therefore, some prudence is needed in making comparisons. For example, chart 1.4b compares creative employment with the size of other sectors such as finance and business. This is a legitimate comparison; however, these sectoral numbers could not be added up to provide total London employment, since it would count all the creative jobs twice. This will be important in the transition to the new DCMS Evidence Toolkit framework. Some of the creative jobs will also appear in tourism or sport, and it will be important to avoid counting them twice once attempts are made to estimate total cultural employment. The DCMS Evidence Toolkit allows for this, but has to be used properly to provide valid results for the reasons just given. GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update 3. Results In the tables below, figures below the threshold of statistical reliability have been suppressed. #N/A signifies that the data is not available. Summary UK 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 LFS workplace employees 1,313,600 1,371,700 1,415,900 1,470,700 1,549,600 1,584,100 1,581,100 1,604,700 1,574,800 1,590,500 ABI workplace employees #N/A 681,500 700,400 735,900 744,000 790,300 822,300 854,300 823,100 #N/A Self-Employed 304,500 315,900 324,900 351,800 371,800 379,700 351,500 351,500 350,500 379,900 Industry (I): ABI workplace employees #N/A 997,500 1,025,300 1,087,800 1,115,800 1,170,000 1,173,900 1,205,800 1,173,600 379,900 + self-employed Creative occupations (O) 1,295,400 1,337,300 1,337,800 1,390,400 1,414,900 1,498,200 1,519,700 1,570,800 1,555,300 1,618,800 Occupations outside industry (On~I) 889,300 912,700 898,900 929,000 924,500 958,300 968,200 1,067,800 1,071,000 1,104,500 Sector (I+On~I): Industry plus #N/A 1,910,300 1,924,200 2,016,800 2,040,400 2,128,300 2,142,200 2,273,700 2,244,600 #N/A occupations outside industry) Creatively occupied within industry 471,200 493,200 507,900 527,500 556,700 605,900 607,700 589,200 581,200 612,100 (OnI) Intensity (OnI/I) 36% 36% 36% 36% 36% 38% 38% 37% 37% 38% Summary London 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 LFS workplace employees 336,400 359,400 388,500 411,000 443,100 437,900 418,500 461,900 444,400 432,600 ABI workplace employees #N/A 311,200 324,400 346,900 352,400 367,000 380,000 399,200 374,500 #N/A Self-Employed 86,700 87,500 99,800 102,200 120,900 121,500 95,500 95,700 94,200 103,700 Industry (I): ABI workplace employees #N/A 398,700 424,300 449,100 473,400 488,500 475,600 495,000 468,700 103,700 + self-employed Creative occupations (O) #N/A 562,700 565,700 597,300 639,100 667,600 640,900 690,800 650,800 #N/A Occupations outside industry (On~I) 304,100 336,200 327,400 331,000 368,200 393,300 364,800 394,900 370,300 378,300 Sector (I+On~I): Industry plus 143,900 164,000 141,300 148,100 165,700 179,000 165,200 195,800 182,000 188,500 occupations outside industry) Creatively occupied within industry 169,500 183,300 196,900 194,100 214,500 225,800 210,700 214,200 207,100 206,500 (OnI) Intensity (OnI/I) 50% 51% 51% 47% 48% 52% 50% 46% 47% 48% GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Employee jobs (ABI): UK 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Advertising #N/A 67,400 75,900 77,600 83,700 84,500 94,500 90,800 84,300 Architecture #N/A 131,100 125,200 121,300 115,000 116,500 120,000 122,100 119,800 Art/antiques trade #N/A 14,700 16,600 15,500 16,000 16,300 17,500 18,800 19,300 (Crafts) #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A (Design) #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Fashion #N/A 86,300 80,600 110,800 104,200 108,000 111,900 109,500 106,100 Interactive leisure software #N/A 69,400 77,200 78,700 90,700 102,400 115,300 123,700 116,400 Video, film and photography #N/A 36,700 43,100 44,400 44,600 45,100 46,300 49,300 49,300 Radio and TV #N/A 54,000 55,900 147,300 150,000 153,200 151,200 157,100 153,100 Music and the visual and performing #N/A 87,100 82,700 85,200 85,000 95,600 97,100 104,600 104,800arts Publishing #N/A 134,500 142,900 54,800 54,300 68,200 68,100 77,900 69,700 TOTAL #N/A 681,500 700,400 735,900 744,000 790,300 822,300 854,300 823,100 Employee jobs (ABI): London 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Advertising #N/A 26,400 32,000 35,700 35,700 34,400 38,200 38,000 33,100 Architecture #N/A 58,600 57,900 59,600 56,100 55,200 59,000 60,100 59,800 Art/antiques trade #N/A -------- (Crafts) #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A (Design) #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Fashion #N/A 49,100 47,400 63,000 60,700 59,900 59,700 57,500 52,100 Interactive leisure software #N/A 36,700 41,100 40,200 47,100 51,700 62,500 67,000 61,100 Video, film and photography #N/A 16,000 17,700 20,100 21,500 23,600 20,500 22,200 20,900 Radio and TV #N/A 30,600 31,500 60,300 62,700 64,300 63,100 66,000 64,000 Music and the visual and performing #N/A 35,600 34,400 33,900 34,300 40,100 39,000 43,500 40,500arts Publishing #N/A 55,500 59,400 31,300 31,700 34,800 35,100 41,500 39,900 TOTAL #N/A 311,200 324,400 346,900 352,400 367,000 380,000 399,200 374,500 Source: Annual Business Enquiry GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Self-employment UK Advertising Architecture Art/antiques trade (Crafts) (Design) Fashion Interactive Leisure SoftwareFilm and Video Radio and TV Music and the performing Arts Publishing and Printing Creative Industries 1994 13,40077,500#N/A #N/A #N/A 37,600 23,200 9,400 34,700 74,200 34,000 304,5001995 15,400 86,100#N/A #N/A #N/A 37,700 22,900 10,600 28,700 82,300 32,000 315,900 - 1996 19,100 87,700#N/A #N/A #N/A 29,200 29,900 26,300 90,900 34,200 324,9001997 16,100 87,800#N/A #N/A #N/A 32,000 38,300 11,400 29,100 102,700 34,100 351,8001998 13,500 92,000#N/A #N/A #N/A 33,500 46,400 12,500 35,500 100,300 37,700 371,8001999 16,700 90,400#N/A #N/A #N/A 37,000 50,400 9,300 34,800 105,600 35,300 379,7002000 13,400 86,800#N/A #N/A #N/A 33,000 45,500 10,000 31,500 100,100 30,900 351,5002001 12,900 84,000#N/A #N/A #N/A 33,600 43,600 10,500 33,600 105,100 27,900 351,5002002 15,700 78,500 #N/A #N/A #N/A 28,700 45,700 13,300 35,700 100,700 31,900 350,500 Self-employment London Advertising Architecture Art/antiques trade (Crafts) (Design) Fashion Interactive Leisure Software Film and Video Radio and TV Music and the performing Arts Publishing and Printing Creative Industries Source: Labour Force Survey - - - 1994 16,300#N/A #N/A #N/A 8,700 10,100 26,900 12,500 86,700 - - - 1995 20,100#N/A #N/A #N/A 10,700 10,000 24,900 9,300 87,500 - - - 1996 20,900#N/A #N/A #N/A 9,100 10,900 32,600 11,300 99,800 - - 1997 13,000#N/A #N/A #N/A 8,700 10,200 9,900 36,400 12,200 102,200 - 1998 16,500#N/A #N/A #N/A 13,700 11,300 9,500 16,000 35,000 15,300 120,900 - - 1999 17,100#N/A #N/A #N/A 11,900 14,600 16,900 36,100 13,500 121,500 - - - 2000 14,200#N/A #N/A #N/A 9,900 13,300 31,300 11,200 95,500 - - - 2001 12,000#N/A #N/A #N/A 10,200 12,600 36,200 8,700 95,700 - - - 2002 11,100 #N/A #N/A #N/A 9,600 13,800 29,000 12,000 94,200 GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Workforce UK 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Advertising #N/A 82,800 95,000 93,700 97,200 101,200 108,000 103,800 100,000 Architecture #N/A 217,200 213,000 209,100 207,100 206,900 206,900 206,200 198,300 Art/antiques trade #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A (Crafts) #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A (Design) #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Fashion #N/A 124,100 109,900 142,800 137,700 145,100 144,900 143,100 134,800 Interactive Leisure Software #N/A 92,300 107,100 117,100 137,100 152,800 160,900 167,300 162,100 Film and Video #N/A 47,300 50,300 55,800 57,200 54,400 56,300 59,800 62,600 Radio and TV #N/A 82,700 82,200 176,500 185,600 188,100 182,700 190,700 188,800 Music and the performing Arts #N/A 169,500 173,600 188,000 185,300 201,200 197,300 209,800 205,500 Publishing and Printing #N/A 166,500 177,200 88,900 92,100 103,500 99,000 105,900 101,700 Creative Industries #N/A 997,500 1,025,300 1,087,800 1,115,800 1,170,000 1,173,900 1,205,800 1,173,600 Workforce London 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Advertising #N/A 28,400 36,100 39,600 39,000 39,600 41,500 42,100 39,400 Architecture #N/A 78,800 78,800 72,600 72,700 72,400 73,200 72,200 70,900 Art/antiques trade #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A (Crafts) #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A (Design) #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Fashion #N/A 59,900 54,500 71,700 74,500 71,900 67,700 63,600 57,300 Interactive leisure software #N/A 41,000 50,200 50,500 58,400 66,300 72,400 77,300 70,800 Video, film and photography #N/A 22,000 21,400 27,800 31,000 29,600 24,800 27,900 27,900 Radio and TV #N/A 40,700 42,500 70,200 78,700 81,200 76,400 78,700 77,900 Music and the performing arts #N/A 60,500 67,100 70,400 69,300 76,200 70,300 79,800 69,500 Publishing #N/A 64,800 70,700 43,600 47,000 48,400 46,300 50,300 51,900 Creative Industries #N/A 398,700 424,300 449,100 473,400 488,500 475,600 495,000 468,700 Source: Sum of ABI employees and LFS self-employed GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Creative Occupations in the UK (Total) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Advertising 185,900 197,900 190,900 188,700 192,000 228,800 208,900 211,200 195,700 Architecture 68,000 73,500 68,500 67,100 71,700 62,700 76,200 76,700 73,500 (arts) #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Crafts 373,200 358,400 346,300 338,300 339,800 341,500 321,100 314,200 314,300 Design 134,100 134,300 126,900 141,100 147,000 160,400 174,300 183,600 183,300 Fashion 28,700 40,900 42,200 43,100 39,800 32,100 38,900 38,500 42,400 Interactive Leisure Software 156,800 171,000 190,700 226,100 259,200 296,000 316,400 357,900 379,300 Film and Video 53,000 47,100 45,500 47,600 45,400 42,600 52,700 54,000 45,300 Radio and TV 55,400 55,500 62,100 56,300 38,000 48,900 54,800 54,700 54,500 Music and the performing Arts 91,700 108,200 111,800 124,100 127,300 134,600 126,700 130,800 127,100 Publishing and Printing 148,100 150,100 152,600 157,600 154,400 150,100 149,100 148,900 139,500 All creative occupations 1,295,400 1,337,300 1,337,800 1,390,400 1,414,900 1,498,200 1,519,700 1,570,800 1,555,300 Creative Occupations in London (Total) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Advertising 85,200 100,100 80,000 79,100 81,800 100,600 79,400 74,900 69,900 Architecture 11,700 15,000 19,700 11,200 17,500 14,500 17,800 17,100 19,800 (arts) #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Crafts 29,300 35,000 22,100 18,900 29,900 31,900 24,800 27,200 24,900 Design 43,000 37,200 35,600 40,600 50,300 48,600 48,200 37,500 28,800 Fashion 9,600 20,700 23,400 16,500 17,300 16,100 17,100 10,600 11,700 Interactive Leisure Software 32,100 36,800 44,300 53,600 60,600 70,000 67,100 92,100 87,600 Film and Video 17,300 13,600 14,700 16,400 16,700 14,200 14,500 18,300 14,700 Radio and TV 11,000 - 8,800 ----24,200 26,900 Music and the performing Arts 28,600 35,400 38,800 42,800 46,000 50,200 44,200 57,100 48,200 Publishing and Printing 35,700 35,900 39,500 45,900 43,300 41,600 45,400 35,400 37,500 All creative occupations 304,100 336,200 327,400 331,000 368,200 393,300 364,800 394,900 370,300 Source: Labour Force Survey GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Creative occupations in the UK outside the creative industries 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Advertising 108,700 123,900 109,200 125,300 120,400 134,900 129,500 164,300 150,900 Architecture 28,400 26,600 27,600 26,000 25,800 22,600 26,500 23,800 25,900 (Arts) #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Crafts 347,600 339,300 331,300 322,500 330,200 333,600 314,200 317,700 318,300 Design 54,600 54,300 47,500 52,800 57,200 58,200 67,600 97,500 106,000 Fashion 14,600 11,700 11,900 ---11,900 18,700 19,600 Interactive Leisure Software 108,000 111,100 120,300 147,500 163,400 176,200 194,400 241,600 254,800 Film and Video 12,600 17,400 18,700 16,900 12,100 11,700 17,700 17,200 11,800 Radio and TV 52,700 52,800 58,200 54,800 38,900 45,100 46,500 21,300 14,400 Music and the performing Arts 63,800 73,100 70,600 69,600 71,300 74,700 67,900 68,700 80,200 Publishing and Printing 97,800 102,200 103,200 105,400 96,800 94,200 91,400 96,600 88,600 All creative occupations 889,300 912,700 898,900 929,000 924,500 958,300 968,200 1,067,800 1,071,000 Creative occupations in London outside the creative industries 1,994 1,995 1,996 1,997 1,998 1,999 2,000 2,001 2,002 Advertising 36,700 52,700 39,600 48,100 44,500 50,100 38,300 50,500 43,800 Architecture --------- (Arts) #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Crafts 30,500 36,500 23,000 18,400 31,000 33,800 25,100 26,600 24,800 Design 9,500 8,500 8,400 8,800 12,000 12,700 13,300 8,600 10,600 Fashion --------- Interactive Leisure Software 23,900 23,300 26,600 31,300 35,800 40,100 42,000 63,800 57,700 Film and Video --------- Radio and TV 8,700 -------- Music and the performing Arts 8,000 11,100 9,600 10,100 12,800 14,400 13,700 19,200 17,700 Publishing and Printing 14,600 14,700 16,600 19,800 16,700 17,100 17,200 11,700 16,700 All creative occupations 143,900 164,000 141,300 148,100 165,700 179,000 165,200 195,800 182,000 GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Creative Sector Employment Total UK 1,994 1,995 1,996 1,997 1,998 1,999 2,000 2,001 2,002 Advertising #N/A 206,700 204,300 219,100 217,700 236,100 237,600 268,100 250,900 Architecture #N/A 243,800 240,600 235,100 232,900 229,500 233,500 230,000 224,200 (Arts) #N/A 14,700 16,600 15,500 16,000 16,300 17,500 18,800 19,300 Crafts #N/A 339,300 331,300 322,500 330,200 333,600 314,200 317,700 318,300 Design #N/A 54,300 47,500 52,800 57,200 58,200 67,600 97,500 106,000 Fashion #N/A 135,900 121,800 150,500 145,700 151,600 156,900 161,900 154,400 Interactive Leisure Software #N/A 203,500 227,500 264,700 300,600 329,100 355,300 408,900 417,000 Film and Video #N/A 64,700 69,100 72,800 69,300 66,200 74,100 77,100 74,500 Radio and TV #N/A 135,600 140,500 231,300 224,500 233,200 229,200 212,000 203,300 Music and the performing Arts #N/A 242,700 244,200 257,700 256,700 276,000 265,300 278,500 285,700 Publishing and Printing #N/A 268,700 280,400 194,400 189,000 197,800 190,500 202,500 190,300 All creative sector #N/A 1,910,300 1,924,200 2,016,800 2,040,400 2,128,300 2,142,200 2,273,700 2,244,600 Creative Employment Total London 1,994 1,995 1,996 1,997 1,998 1,999 2,000 2,001 2,002 Advertising #N/A 81,100 75,800 87,800 83,500 89,800 79,800 92,600 83,300 Architecture #N/A 81,000 82,300 75,200 75,900 74,900 77,600 74,900 74,200 (Arts) #N/A -------- Crafts #N/A 36,500 23,000 18,400 31,000 33,800 25,100 26,600 24,800 Design #N/A 8,500 8,400 8,800 12,000 12,700 13,300 8,600 10,600 Fashion #N/A 65,600 58,900 71,700 78,300 74,000 73,300 67,000 60,400 Interactive Leisure Software #N/A 64,300 76,800 81,800 94,300 106,400 114,400 141,200 128,500 Film and Video #N/A 25,500 24,500 31,300 32,300 31,500 27,800 32,500 29,600 Radio and TV #N/A 46,100 48,800 75,500 83,200 85,200 78,800 83,100 80,200 Music and the performing Arts #N/A 71,600 76,700 80,600 82,200 90,700 84,000 99,000 87,200 Publishing and Printing #N/A 79,600 87,300 63,400 63,800 65,500 63,500 62,000 68,700 All creative sector #N/A 562,700 565,700 597,300 639,100 667,600 640,900 690,800 650,800 GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Appendix 1: Transition to SOC2000 Introduction In 2000 the ONS revised its standard classification of occupations (Standard Occupational Codes – SOC2000), superseding the previous (SOC1990) classification. The re-classification affects the measurement of employment in the creative sector. A robust indicator of sector employment should not reflect changes which arise only because jobs have been reclassified. This appendix assesses some of the problems arising from the adoption of SOC2000 and examines possible solutions. Where discrepancies arise The GLA estimates creative sector employment using the standard introduced by the DCMS in its year 2001 mapping document, documented in its July 2002 Fact File and in Economic Estimates. This has two components: 1. Jobs in the creative industries 2. People with creative occupations who work outside the creative industries. The first component is measured using DCMS-defined SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes. The second is measured using DCMS-defined SOC codes. The primary source for the first component is the ABI; for the second, it is the LFS. From the first quarter of 2001 onwards, the LFS started using SOC2000 and stopped using SOC1990. DCMS supplies a list of codes that map both SOC1990 and SOC2000 classifications into its creative sub-sectors, as shown in Table A1.1 Table A1.1: Creative Occupational Employment [COE] (‘000s). SOC 1990 SOC 2000 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Advertising 62 62 60 61 68 68 213 204 Architecture 74 65 67 71 66 77 79 74 Crafts 131 128 127 127 126 122 319 312 Design 119 119 128 132 146 162 188 190 Leisure Software 280 316 364 415 454 512 363 377 Fashion 10 11 11 10 9 11 40 41 Music 133 142 153 157 159 164 142 139 Publishing/ Printing 236 242 244 239 237 235 152 138 Radio and TV 23 27 23 16 17 23 56 56 Film and Video 46 46 48 46 43 55 57 46 (Creative Total) 1,113 1,157 1,225 1,274 1,325 1,429 1,610 1,577 GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update It is clear the codes do not precisely map onto each other. The shaded cells show significant jumps up or down. Table A1.2 shows the growth rates in these same years and also the annualised growth over the years before the transition. Again, anomalous growth rates are shaded grey. A classification change which to be corrected in order to construct consistent time series data. Table A1.2: COE annual growth rates (anomalous growth shaded grey) 1996 % 1997 % 1998 % 1999 % 2000 % Advertising -1 -2 2 10 0 Architecture -12 3 7 -8 18 Crafts -2 -1 1 -1 -3 Design 0 7 3 11 10 Leisure Software 13 15 14 9 13 Fashion 6 2 -8 -13 30 Music etc 7 8 3 1 4 Publishing etc 3 1 -2 -1 -1 Radio and TV 19 -15 -32 10 32 Film and Video 1 4 -5 -5 27 (Creative Total) 4 6 4 4 8 Annualised growth 1995 to 2000 % 2001 % 2002 % 1.7 215 -4 0.8 2 -6 -1.3 161 -2 6.3 17 1 12.8 -29 4 2.5 256 2 4.3 -14 -2 -0.1 -35 -10 0.2 146 0 3.8 4 -19 5.1 13 -2 The ONS cross-mapping exercise At the time of the changeover, no arrangements were made for transitional reporting. There are no LFS quarters in which both SOC1990 codes and the SOC2000 codes were directly recorded. However, an ONS study (ONS 2000b) sought to measure the relation between the two codes by retrospectively recoding the original responses in primary data. The study estimates the proportion of each SOC1990 category which, had it been code using SOC2000 criteria, would have been allocated to each SOC2000 category. It provides this information for three sets of primary data: the 1991 census, to a single LFS quarter in 1996, and to a single LFS quarter in 2000.15 In principle the classification error arising from the transition could be corrected using the ONS study. However, as Table A1.3 shows, this results in estimates of COE whose growth rates, in the transition year, diverge even more from the past average than untransformed estimates based on the DCMS’s SOC1990 codes. 15 For brevity this is called the ONS crossmapping exercise, though ONS does not use this term. London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Table A1.3: summary of growth estimates in Creative Occupational Employment (COE) Average annual growth19952000 % Annual growth in transition year 2000/01 % SOC1990 actual 4.44 12.67 91 census mapping 3.52 27.69 96 LFS mapping 3.35 46.17 00 LFS mapping 2.67 40.80 This paper employs an alternative approach, which is to use the time-series properties of the data. Statistical framework Revise or constrain? In theory, the SOC1990 estimates could be used as the best fit, so that the SOC2000 estimates introduce a discrepancy not previously present. In that case, estimates made prior to 2001 would not need to be transformed but anything estimated after that would have to be constrained to match previous results. It makes more sense to proceed on the basis that the SOC2000 estimates are the best fit. This means previous estimates of creative sector employment have been revised, in most cases upwards. This is what GLA Economics has done in its Creative Industry Employment estimates for 2003. These estimates therefore supersede previous estimates, notably those published in Creativity: London’s Core Business. These revisions to the SOC have no effect on estimates of output, or GLA estimates of productivity, which use ABI data alone. They affect only the occupational component of the employment generated by creative activity, as defined by the DCMS. The outcome of this splicing exercise is a historical revision to previous estimates constructed using SOC1990 codes, known as backcasting. Possible statistical models We are trying to measure the ‘true’ creative occupational employment, which is defined as that which would have been obtained from primary data if the SOC2000 codes were available throughout. From 2001 onwards this can be obtained directly; prior to 2001 it must be estimated. This true measure, referred to as O, has two components: 1. The measure that obtained from primary data, called OP 2. A re-classification effect u(O). GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update A multiplicative model is assumed so that this is best written as: O = u(O) × OP From 2001 onwards u(O) = 1, and before 2001 it is unknown. The problem is to estimate it. Two possible approaches are used: .. Model 1 based on the rate of growth of occupational employment .. Model 2 based on the growth of creative intensity; occupational employment divided by industrial employment. Model 1: occupational growth u can be estimated from the time-series properties of O alone. The simplest such model is to suppose a constant growth rate, and find out what it is: .O = a = constant O This is unlikely over any period including 2002, in which year employment turned downwards almost across the board. However, it may be a workable assumption over the period 19952001, which were years of more or less uniform expansion in the creative sector. Some relation between occupation and employment in the creative sector can be estimated (using SIC 1992 codes in conjunction with the ABI). Referring to the latter as I, the simplest such model is: O = ß = a constant I However, the structure of the creative sector is changing and, over time, O/I is changing. Moreover, O/I varies markedly from one region to another and this procedure will accentuate regional bias. This method is also not available for the two sectors (Design, Crafts) for which no industry classifications are available. Model 2: creative intensity A more appropriate model is to suppose that ß is changing, but at a constant rate: .. . O . . . I .= .ß = constant This assumption is still subject to potential problems arising from regional bias, and from the two missing sectors. However, it shows whether the results obtained from model 1 are robust. If Model 2 produces estimates that are broadly similar to those produced by Model 1, Model 1 can be applied with reasonable confidence as the best relatively simple method available. This appendix examines both models and finds that they yield almost identical results (for the UK as a whole). The one exception is leisure software, although they considerably reduce the discrepancy arising from raw data alone. In conclusion, Model 1 provides the best available relatively simple method for revising or backcasting SOC2000 data. London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update It should be noted that, as with many creative industries estimates, some regional and some sectoral differences persist, although they are considerably smaller than if no transformation at all is made. Results Model 1: Growth rates of OP Table A1.4 gives the growth-corrected estimate of Creative Occupational Employment. It supposes that the growth rate between 2000 and 2001 (the transition year) is equal, in each sector, to the annualised average growth rate while SOC1990 was being used, that is between 1995 and 2000: .O = Average.. . .OP .. . O 2000-2001 . OP . 1995-2000 Note that if the sectors are summed this leads to a larger figure than if creative sub-sectors as a whole are corrected after summing. The figure we report is the sum of parts. Table A1.4: Growth-corrected estimates of Creative Occupational Employment, thousands of jobs 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Advertising 193 192 187 190 210 209 213 204 Architecture 75 66 68 72 66 78 79 74 Crafts 345 338 335 337 334 324 319 312 Design 131 131 140 145 161 177 188 190 Fashion 35 37 38 35 30 40 40 41 Software 176 198 229 261 285 321 363 377 Film and Video 46 46 48 45 43 55 57 46 Radio and TV 55 66 56 38 42 56 56 56 Music 110 117 127 130 131 136 142 139 Publishing 153 157 159 155 154 153 152 138 CI sum of parts 1,319 1,348 1,386 1,409 1,457 1,549 1,610 1,577 Model 2: creative intensity Table A1.6: ratio of Ot to It 1995 % 1996 % 1997 % 1998 % 1999 % 2000 % 2001 % 2002% Advertising 100 100 92 95 88 88 247 236 Architecture 26 21 22 23 20 24 23 22 Fashion 3 3 4 3 3 5 17 19 Software 160 158 157 149 141 143 99 109 Film 199 209 176 180 200 198 169 149 Radio and TV 18 22 17 11 13 16 39 36 Music 74 78 78 77 76 76 67 64 GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Publishing 105 109 111 107 106 107 68 63 (Creative Total) 80 81 82 82 83 88 98 98 Table A1.6 presents the ratio O/I in each sector.16 Table A1.7 shows the growth rates of this ratio. The pattern of the anomaly is shown in the shaded cells of Table A1.7, and is very similar to Model 1, except that Film and Video now shows up as anomalous for this sector. Table A1.7: Growth rates of O/I 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 % % % % % Advertising 0.1 -7.9 2.7 -6.4 -0.1 Architecture -18.2 5.0 2.3 -11.9 18.6 Leisure Software -1.1 -0.3 -5.4 -5.3 1.2 Fashion 8.2 2.7 -6.8 -7.5 47.4 Music etc 4.7 1.0 -1.8 -1.9 1.1 Publishing etc 3.7 2.3 -3.6 -1.2 1.2 Radio and TV 20.2 -22.3 -35.5 20.6 21.6 Film and Video 5.1 -15.5 1.9 11.3 -1.1 (Creative Total) 1.2 2.1 -0.9 1.4 6.6 Annualised growth 1995-2000 2000 2001% % % -2.4 179.1 -4.3 -1.7 -1.9 -4.7 -2.2 -31.0 11.0 7.2 279.4 8.5 0.6 -12.3 -4.7 0.4 -36.1 -8.5 -2.4 142.3 -6.4 -0.1 -14.5 -12.2 2.0 11.0 0.0 As with Model 1, adjusted estimates can be produced by supposing that growth in O is constant and equal to the 1995-2000 average. For this model, growth in O/I is considered constant and equal to its 1995-2000 average. This results in Table A1.8. In order to calculate a comparable creative sector total, the Crafts and Design estimates from Model 1 are used. Table A1.8: adjusted SOC levels arising from model 2 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Advertising 178 177 173 176 194 193 213 204 Architecture 74 65 67 71 65 77 79 74 Crafts 345 338 335 337 334 324 319 312 Design 131 131 140 145 161 177 188 190 Fashion 36 38 39 36 31 40 40 41 Leisure software 197 223 257 293 320 361 363 377 Music etc 116 123 133 137 138 143 142 139 Film and Video 39 40 41 39 37 47 57 46 Radio and TV 56 67 57 39 43 57 56 56 Publishing etc 150 154 156 152 151 149 152 138 (Creative Occupations Total) 1,322 1,355 1,397 1,423 1,474 1,569 1,610 1,577 16 This is an indicator of the intensity of specialisation. Education, for example, makes intensive use of teachers and this is reflected in an extremely close correspondence between the number of teachers and the number of people working in schools. The GLA’s 2003 estimates measure creative intensity more precisely as the share of each sector’s employees who are themselves creatively occupied. London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Comparison of methods Chart A1.1 shows estimates of total COE up to 2000 from all possible methods including the ONS crossmapping, with actual COE over the years 2001 and 2002 for comparison. The fit for models 1 and 2 is substantially better than for any other estimate, and the two models themselves produce closely aligned results. Table A1.9 compares the results of the two models by giving the differences in adjustments arising from the two methods, leading to the same conclusion. Chart A1.1: Comparison of total CI estimates from various methods 1,700 1,600 1,500 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 900 800 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 91 census mapping 96 LFS mapping 00 LFS mapping SOC1990 SOC2000 SOC1990 growth-adjusted SOC1990 ratio-adjusted Table A1.9: Differences between creative occupational employment estimates from Models 1 and 2, thousands of workers 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Advertising 15 15 15 15 16 16 Architecture 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fashion -1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 Leisure software - 22 - 25 - 28 - 32 - 35 - 40 Film and Video 7 7 7 7 6 8 Radio and TV -1 - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0 - 1 Music -6 - 6 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 Publishing 3 3 3 3 3 3 All creative -3 -7 -11 -15 -17 -20 These differences remain significant, particularly for Film and Video where they represent 15 per cent of SOC2000 occupation, for Advertising where they represent 7 per cent and for Interactive Leisure Software where they represent 6 per cent. They also get larger for the GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update total of all creative subsectors, principally because of the growth in the difference between estimates of leisure software COE. However, this should be compared with the anomalous growth for these same sectors if no attempt is made to correct the SOC1990 estimates, which is greater than 50 per cent of SOC2000 occupation for all but four of the sectors. Backcasting coefficients summary The procedure for backcasting is as follows: 1. Calculate COE estimates for 2001 using SOC2000 codes, for each creative sector 2. Calculate COE estimates for 2000 and for any previously-required years using SOC1990 codes, again for each creative sector. 3. Set the 2000-2001 growth rates equal to the following, by rebasing the 2000 estimates, as given in Table A1.1, using the second column of table A1.10 (below) 4. Backcast from years prior to 2000 using the own growth rates obtained using SOC1990 codes as given in Table A1.2. This reduces to applying the conversion factors given in the last column of Table A1.10 uniformly to SOC1990 estimates prior to 2001 Table A1.10: Standard backcasting growth rates Growth rate 2000/01 % Multiply SOC1990 estimates by Advertising 1.7 3.10 Architecture 0.8 1.01 Crafts -1.3 2.64 Design 6.3 1.10 Fashion 2.5 3.47 Leisure Software 12.8 0.63 Film and Video 3.8 1.00 Radio and TV 0.2 2.45 Music 4.3 0.83 Publishing -0.1 0.65 How much does it matter? In some sectors, the revision is larger than in others since the anomalous growth of the unrevised figures is correspondingly greater. If the prime interest is to obtain accurate estimates of total creative industries employment, this is the relevant consideration. However, researchers may wish to concentrate on particular sectors. In that case it is useful to have an idea how statistically significant the anomaly is, and this can be estimated by comparing it with the standard deviation of growth rates in the SOC1990 years, although this is a rather small sample.17 17 No correction for small sample size has been applied and no claim is made to statistical exactitude. This final section is only intended as an indicative guide. London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Table A1.11: Standardised residuals (2000-2001 growth rate, less average growth rate 1995-2000, divided by standard deviation 1995-2000) Growth of O Growth of O/I Advertising 43 42 Fashion 14 17 Radio and TV 6 6 Architecture 0 0 Film etc -1 0 Music etc -4 -5 Leisure Software -5 -10 Publishing -8 -8 (Creative Total) 3 2 Chart A1.2: Standardised anomaly (from Table A1.12) Occupational growth Creative intensity 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 AdvertisingFashionSoftwarePublishingRadio and TVRadio and TV MusicDesignFilm andVideo[CreativeTotal] Advertising Fashion Publishing etc Radio and TV Software Music etcFilm andVideoArchitecture[CreativeTotal] The size of the anomalies, when organised in this way, is almost identical for the two models and provides further confirmation of the robustness of the method. GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Appendix 2: SIC and SOC codes used SIC codes DCMS 2001 name DCMS/SIC Codes Advertising 74.4 Architecture 74.2 (+) Art and antiques 52.48/9 (+), 52.5 (+) Crafts (N/A) Design (N/A) Designer fashion 18.1,18.21,18.22,18.23,18.24,18.3, 19.3,74.84, 17.71, 17.72 (all +) Software and computer services 22.33 (+), 72.2 Interactive leisure software Film and video 22.32 (+), 92.11, 92.12, 92.13, 74.81 (+) Radio and tv 92.2 The performing arts 22.14, 22.31 (+), 92.31, 92.32, 92.34 (+), 92.72 (+) Music Publishing – print 22.11, 22.13, 22.15 (+), 92.4 Advertising Same Architecture Same Distribution Same Clothing DCMS without 17.71 and without 17.72 Software 72.2 Film 22.32, 92.11, 92.12, 92.13 Radio and tv 92.2 The arts 22.14, 22.31, 74.81, 92.31, 92.32, 92.34, 92.72 Publishing 22.11, 22.13, 22.15, 92.4 Libraries, museums, etc 92.51,92.52 (+) denotes that a proportion of this industry group is included to estimate the creative element London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Industry proportions used by GLA and DCMS DCMS % GLA % 1771: Manufacture of knitted/crocheted hosiery 0.5 100 1772: Manufacture: knitted/crocheted pullovers 0.5 100 1810: Manufacture of leather clothes 0.5 100 1821: Manufacture of workwear 0.5 100 1822: Manufacture of other outerwear 0.5 100 1823: Manufacture of underwear 0.5 100 1824: Manufacture of other wearing apparel nec 0.5 100 1830: Dressing and dyeing of fur 0.5 100 1930: Manufacture of footwear 0.5 100 2211: Publishing of books 100 100 2212: Publishing of newspapers 100 100 2213: Publishing of journals and periodicals 100 100 2214: Publishing of sound recordings 100 100 2215: Other publishing 50 100 2231: Reproduction of sound recording 25 100 2232: Reproduction of video recording 25 100 2233: Reproduction of computer media 25 100 5248: Other retail sale: specialised stores 5 5 5250: Retail sale: second-hand goods in stores 5 5 7220: Software consultancy and supply 25 100 7420: Architectural/engineering activities 25 100 7440: Advertising 100 100 7481: Photographic activities 25 100 7484: Other business activities nec 25 50 9211: Motion picture and video production 100 100 9212: Motion picture and video distribution 100 100 9213: Motion picture projection 100 100 9220: Radio and television activities 100 100 9231: Artistic and literary creation etc 100 100 9232: Operation of arts facilities 100 100 9234: Other entertainment activities nec 50 100 9240: News agency activities 100 100 9272: Other recreational activities nec 25 100 GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update SOC2000 SOC2000 description SOC1992 SOC1992 description Advertising 1134 Account director (advertising) 123 Advertising and public relations managers 3433 Public relations executive 3543 Market research executive Architecture 2431 Architect 260 Architects 2432 County planning advisor 261 Town planner 3121 Architectural technologists and town planning technicians 303 Architectural and town planning technicians Art/antiques trade (no soc code) Crafts 5411 Weavers and knitters 550 Weavers 5491 Glass and ceramics makers, decorators and finishers 551 Knitters 5492 Furniture makers, other craft woodworkers 518 Goldsmiths, silversmiths, precious stone workers 5493 Pattern makers (moulds) 571 Cabinet makers 5494 Musical instrument makers, tuners 593 Musical instrument makers, piano tuners 5495 Goldsmiths, silversmiths, precious stone workers 591 Glass product and ceramics makers, finishers and decorators 5496 Floral arrangers, florists 791 Window dressers, floral arrangers 5499 Hand craft occupations not elsewhere classified 8112 Glass and ceramics process operatives 590 Glass product and ceramics makers 9121 Mates to woodworking craftsmen/women 920 Mates to woodworking trades workers Design and designer fashion (grouped together for occupations) 2126 Design and development engineers 381 Artists, commercial artists, graphic designers 3411 Artists 382 Industrial designers 3421 Graphic designers 3422 Product, clothing and related designers 383 Clothing designers Interactive leisure software 1136 It/comms managers 214 Software engineers 2131 It professionals 320 Computer analysts/programmers film and video 3434 Photographers and audio-visual equipment operators 386 Photographers, camera, sound and video operators Radio and tv 3432 Broadcasting associate professionals 525 Radio, tv and video engineers 5244 Tv, video and audio engineers Music and the visual and performing arts 3412 Authors, writers, journalists 176 Entertainment and sports managers London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update SOC2000 SOC2000 description SOC1992 SOC1992 description 3413 Actors, entertainers 384 Actors, entertainers, stage managers, producers and directors 3414 Dancers and choreographers 3415 Musicians 385 Musicians 3416 Arts officers, producers and directors Publishing 3431 Journalists, newspaper and periodical editors 380 Artists, writers, journalists 5421 Originators, compositors and print preparers 560 Originators, compositors and print preparers 5422 Printers 561 Printers 5423 Bookbinders and print finishers 562 Bookbinders and print finishers 5424 Screen printers 563 Screen printers 569 Other printing and related trades nes GLA Economics London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update Appendix 3. References DCMS 1998, Creative Industries Mapping Document, London, DCMS DCMS 2001a, Mapping the creative Industries, London, DCMS DCMS 2001b, Creative Industries Economic Estimates, London, DCMS DCMS 2002a, Regional Cultural Data Framework, Final Technical Report, Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the English Regional Cultural Consortia, London DCMS 2002b, Fact File, London, DCMS Florida 2004, The Rise of the Creative Class: And How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life, Basic Books GLA 2002, Creativity: London’s Core Business, London, GLA GLA 2003, The GLA’s Workforce Employment Series, London, GLA C Landry 2000, The Creative City: A Toolkit for Urban Innovators, Earthscan LDA 2004, Creative Industries Data and Intelligence Framework for London, London, LDA ONS 1990, The Standard Occupational Classification 1990, London, ONS ONS 2000a, The Standard Occupational Classification 2000, London, ONS ONS 2000b, OOSS USER GUIDE 2000:22: Relationship between Standard Occupational Classification 2000 (SOC2000) and Standard Occupational Classification 1990 (SOC90), London, DCMS AC Pratt 1997, 'The cultural industries production system: a case study of employment change in Britain, 1984-91 ' Environment and Planning Vol A29, 11, pp 1953-74 University of Leeds, Small Business Research Centre, Kingston University, Northern Ireland Economic Research Centre and Dr Andy Pratt, (2004), London Creative Industries Data and Intelligence Framework (CIDIF), London Development Agency and GLA Economics, London. J Woodward 1968, Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice, Oxford, OUP Other formats and languages For a large print, Braille, disc, sign language video or audio-tape version of this document, please contact us at the address below: Public Liaison Unit Greater London Authority Telephone 020 7983 4100 City Hall Minicom 020 7983 4458 The Queen’s Walk London SE1 2AA You will need to supply your name, your postal address and state the format and title of the publication you require. If you would like a summary of this document in your language, please phone the number or contact us at the address above. Chinese Hindi Vietnamese Bengali Greek Urdu Turkish Arabic Punjabi Gujarati City Hall The Queen’s Walk Enquiries 020 7983 4100 London SE1 2AA Minicom 020 7983 4458